Members Coaching Want to improve your archery? Work on your form? Members coaching sessions available to book now Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Session *Saturday 07 January, 2023Saturday 14 January, 2023Participants Name *FirstLastAddress *Email *Participant Contact Number *Emergency Contact Name *Emergency Contact Number *Gender *FemaleMaleGenderqueer/Non-BinaryPrefer not to sayMain Hand *LeftRightDominant Eye *LeftRightDon’t KnowHeight *Metric please, e.g 1.75 (m)Age *Date of BirthOnly required if a Junior (under 18)If under 18, Name of Parent or GuardianMedical Conditions / Disabilities that may affect your ability to take part in ArcheryAcceptance of Course Terms and Conditions *I agree to the Course Prospectus, Terms, Rules and ConditionsTo keep archery a safe and enjoyable experience for all, we expect everyone to follow the safety and etiquette rules. Safety • No shouting, except to warn of danger. • If you see anyone, or anything in a dangerous position, shout “Fast”. • No whistling. A whistle is used for safety commands and to whistle could be dangerous. • Always carry arrows point downwards. • Never run on the range, or with arrows in your hand. • Never point an arrow at another person or yourself, even if it is not in the bow. • Never play around with arrows. They can kill! • Never put an arrow in your bow until you are on the shooting line. • Never release a bow from full draw without an arrow in place as this can cause the bow to break. • Never cross the waiting line until it is your turn to shoot, unless you have the advance permission of the Target Captain. • In front of the waiting line, there is to be no running, loud talking or ‘messing around’. At the shooting line: • Never place an arrow in your bow until you hear a single whistle. • Never, under any circumstances, cross the shooting line until the whistle sounds twice or the Target Captain says “Collect your Arrows”. • On hearing “Fast”, immediately stop shooting and return any arrows to your quiver. If you have your bow drawn, you must lower it, do not release the arrow. • Once you have an arrow in your bow, keep it facing towards the target at all times. • Never turn round with an arrow in your bow. • Leave the shooting line immediately you have shot your arrows, unless to keep company with another archer still shooting. • Do not leave equipment on the shooting line without the advance permission of the Target Captain. • All equipment must be returned to behind the waiting line. (See also previous point.) Etiquette A Good Archer does not • Talk in a loud voice whilst others are shooting. • Talk to another archer who prefers to be silent. • Offer advice unless asked. • Make any exclamation on the shooting line which might distract another archer. • Walk off the shooting line while a neighbour is at full draw. • Touch another archer’s equipment without their permission. • Walk up and down the line comparing scores. • Shoot distances beyond their capability, continually missing and holding up shooting. • Disturb people with loud mobile phone ringtones or speaking on the phone on or around the shooting line. • Leave litter on the archery ground. • Go behind the target to retrieve his arrows before his score has been recorded. A good archer always • Helps to set out the equipment and put it away. • Takes into account other archers shooting on the same target when positioning his foot markers, and allows sufficient space for them. • Pays to replace another’s arrow damaged through their carelessness. • Waits until the archer on your left and right has made his/her shot before going on to or leaving the shooting line. • Stays on the shooting line with your target partner until they have finished shooting • Leaves the line quietly • While calling scores, points to each arrow as it is called, without touching the arrow or target face (106/b). • Does not touch any arrow or the target face until all arrow values have been recorded and checked. • When required to do so, takes their turn at scoring. • Only withdraws the arrows of others if this has been agreed by them. • Thanks the Target Captain at the end of each round for work on his behalf ————————————- I have read, understood and accept the rules and conditions as described and agree that I/my child* will abide by them. Failure to do so could result in being asked to leave the premises immediately and any monies already paid being forfeit. I am aware that my details, including the information supplied on this form, will be held and used for club administration (in line with Archery GB Policies and Privacy Notice) PhoneSubmit